A holistic concept to improve intercultural skills and strengthen partnerships.

Successful Management in a Complex, Globalized World

Andreas Hermanns and Anton Scholz have a combined experience of 50 years in working with different cultures, languages and management styles, as well as all of the various issues that can arise for managers in this ever more complex and globalized world.

Many managers deal on a daily basis with clients, partners or colleagues halfway around the world or even more acutely as expats themselves, overseas for longer periods.

Although communication is mostly working, somehow there is still a feeling left behind that a deeper cultural understanding on both sides is lacking, which will in many cases eventually lead to growing frustration that can in the end hinder or endanger the success of the business.

A Global Approach to a Global Issue

With Andreas Hermanns located in Europe and Anton Scholz on-site in Asia they can work as a perfect team and offer comprehensive support in two continents and time zones. In this way, in a very praxis-oriented manner, they can help their clients who seek a more efficient and harmonious way of working with their partners and overseas colleagues.